2008年4月20日 星期日


This is my moka pot, bought at 2002 in Taiwan department store (I come from Taiwan). It works very good for me, producing lots of expresso keeping me waken in most weekday.
By the way it also save me a lot of money from $tarbucks. I always add "cold" milk in the espresso to cool the coffee then I can drink as soon as possible. I don't like hot coffee latte for several reasons: 1. I don't want to burn my tongue. 2. Usually hot latte use milk with higher fat to steam the fine bubble. 3. Life is short, I don't want to wait the coffee cool. 4. I believe the smell of fresh coffee comes from some molecules that escape more from your cup when coffee is hot. Put hot espresso in to cold milk can keep the smell longer.
There is another reason I add milk, coffee causes calcium loss, I add milk to reverse this loss.